We’re budgeting this year overall to spend around £78000. This includes our running costs of £56000, building repairs of £14000 and gifts to the causes we support of £7700.
To meet these costs without spending from our reserves we need the following income:
Church Offerings 50000
Tax Refund 7400
from Fair Trust (in lieu of rent) 2400
from Fair Trust (bills) 1200
Use of Halls 10000
Total 71000
Special Offerings income
LOM - winter kitchen 3500
BMS 500
Bethany 500
LOM - gift with mission trip 1500
Total 6000
So, 5 months into our financial year, how are we doing ...
Offering income is averaging just under £1000 a week which is exactly the target we need to achieve. Keeping the offering at this level will mean we reach our tax refund target. Hall rental is also on target ... so all in all we’re doing very well, and should meet our targets.
This month we intend to launch the first of our special appeals, to raise money to support the Lom winter soup kitchen, an activity we have joyfully supported for the last two years, and an activity which, from the feedback we have received, has blessed a large number of people in Lom.
Paul Watson