For some weeks now, our pastor has been encouraging us to read our Bibles as “the diary of the confessing community”. The early Christian church, as described in Acts chapters 2 and 4, was not only a confessing community but a living community in all senses of that phrase. From chapter 2 we read that the Christians were all together (v. 44), had everything in common (v. 44), gave to anyone as they had need (v. 45), met together (v. 46), and ate together with sincere hearts (v. 46). The fruit of all this community style living was that everyone was filled with awe (v. 43a), many wonders and miraculous signs were done (v. 43b), they enjoyed the favour of all the people (that’s Christians and unbelievers alike!) and the LORD added to their number daily those who were being saved. Need I say more? Let’s start ‘living community’ and wait and see what God will do among us!
Robert Mill