Saturday, 22 November 2008


Some prayer points emerging from the trip:

1. Pray that the church in Lom can have a greater missionary spirit as the members often feel that they are paralysed by their own worries about their families, the struggles of daily life & concerns about the future and this distracts them from praying for and witnessing to others.
2. Pray for the new home groups which have started recently and which are attended by a number of people who are not Christians but interested in finding out more. Pray too for George and Natalia who would like to start a home group and have several friends who want to come. So far it has been hard to find a good time to meet as George is the director of a school and often works until 2 or 3 a.m. doing administration for the school. They would also like to involve their children in the group.
3. Pray for Nikolai and Ani whose youngest granddaughter was born recently with spina bifida - the next few weeks are critical.
4. Pray for Violeta (a little blind girl) Nikolai ( a 10 year old boy, recently diagnosed with diabetes) , Pavel, Marieta, Jordan, Ani, Kamelia, Anka, Goritsa and her aunt, all of whom have health problems.
5. Pray for the people who use the soup kitchen which starts this month and for the ladies who work in it (Gina, Ivanka, Lydia and others)
6. Pray for the young people who attended the youth meetings while the Bristo team were in Lom - some for the first time and others who hadn't been for a long time. Pray for wisdom, strength, health and energy for Steffi, a young mother who leads the group and who is studying for a masters degree while teaching English and also caring for her little boy.
7. Pray for Mimi, who teaches Sunday school and is currently expecting her second child.
8. Pray for Elizabet, one of the deacons, whose husband died 3 weeks ago.
9. Give thanks for the recovery of Dr Fillipova from serious ill health and pray for continued strength and health for her as she serves many in the community.

Jennifer Purves, Janis White, Jeanette Lumsden, Robert Mill