Our annual election of deacons is due to take place at the end of May. Appointment as a deacon lasts for three years with effect from the Annual General Meeting, unless foreshortened by decision of the members. Of the present deacons, Robert and Andrea Mill, Craig Smith and Barbara Toal complete their current 3-year term, while Paul Watson has completed two years and Sam Kawamura has completed one year. It is open to those in full membership of Bristo Baptist Church to consider prayerfully any addition to the diaconate.
This note outlines the responsibilities of members and deacons and sets out the procedures to be followed and the timetable for this year’s election.
Duties of Deacons
The deacons are responsible to the church for the day to day running of its affairs, seeking to guide the church as collectively we discern the Lord’s will as a congregation. They co-ordinate reports, bring recommendations to the church and implement its decisions. The deacons are also ex officio trustees of Bristo Baptist Church and so carry certain responsibilities under the charity laws. Above all, as the name (diakonos) suggests, deacons are servants of Jesus Christ and of this congregation, supporting the pastor in his spiritual leadership.
Qualities of Deacons
We read in Acts 6: 1-6 how the early church chose the first deacons. They were men of good report, full of faith, of the Holy Spirit and of wisdom. In 1Timothy 3: 8-13 Paul advises Timothy of the qualities he should look for in deacons. They should be reverent, holding the mystery of faith with a clear conscience, tested and found blameless. In other words they should be mature in faith, ready to listen to God and to the people they serve, seeking to encourage and care for others in service, and leading lives honouring to God.
This note outlines the responsibilities of members and deacons and sets out the procedures to be followed and the timetable for this year’s election.
Duties of Deacons
The deacons are responsible to the church for the day to day running of its affairs, seeking to guide the church as collectively we discern the Lord’s will as a congregation. They co-ordinate reports, bring recommendations to the church and implement its decisions. The deacons are also ex officio trustees of Bristo Baptist Church and so carry certain responsibilities under the charity laws. Above all, as the name (diakonos) suggests, deacons are servants of Jesus Christ and of this congregation, supporting the pastor in his spiritual leadership.
Qualities of Deacons
We read in Acts 6: 1-6 how the early church chose the first deacons. They were men of good report, full of faith, of the Holy Spirit and of wisdom. In 1Timothy 3: 8-13 Paul advises Timothy of the qualities he should look for in deacons. They should be reverent, holding the mystery of faith with a clear conscience, tested and found blameless. In other words they should be mature in faith, ready to listen to God and to the people they serve, seeking to encourage and care for others in service, and leading lives honouring to God.
Nomination for election to the office of deacon should be submitted in writing to any of the present deacons, together with the names and signatures of two referees, the candidate’s express agreement having been obtained previously. Candidates, proposers and seconders should all be full members of Bristo Baptist Church. Nominations should be submitted not later than 6.30 p.m. on Sunday 2 May. Ballot papers will be distributed to members who participate in morning or evening worship on either Sunday 9 or Sunday 16 May. Arrangements will be made to issue ballot papers to the housebound or those prevented by illness from attending.
Ballot papers should be returned no later than the evening service on Sunday 23 May. For appointment as a deacon of Bristo Baptist Church not less than 2/3 of the total votes cast must be in the candidate’s favour. Two of the continuing deacons will act as scrutineers and Dr Purves will give private confidential intimation to the candidates before the result of the election is announced at the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 26 May.
Ballot papers should be returned no later than the evening service on Sunday 23 May. For appointment as a deacon of Bristo Baptist Church not less than 2/3 of the total votes cast must be in the candidate’s favour. Two of the continuing deacons will act as scrutineers and Dr Purves will give private confidential intimation to the candidates before the result of the election is announced at the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 26 May.
The election of deacons is one of the most important responsibilities we have as church members and we each have a role to play. During the next few weeks may we all prayerfully consider the following questions:
- Is God calling me to this task?
- Whom has the Lord laid on my heart to nominate for this service?
- Let us all in humility draw near to God and seek His will as together we go forward in the power of the Holy Spirit that we may through love serve one another. (Galatians 5: 13).