Thursday, 15 January 2009

Welcome to Bristo Baptist Church!

pictured: our ministry interns, Tanya & David

Tanya Alexeeva arrived in Edinburgh in the late evening of Saturday 10th January and spent her first Sunday in Bristo the following day. Tanya is from Voronezh in southern Russia. Her father is the pastor of the church in Voronezh from which Tima Cheprasov and Yulia Cheprasova joined us two years ago. Tanya has never been to Scotland before and while she is here she will spend part of her time learning English at the Arch language school in our church buildings. Tanya, may you be blessed richly while you are at Bristo!


It took me days to get going on this editorial. Why? I procrastinated.

What’s that got to do with breaking free? Well, procrastination is just one of many things that can act like chains or shackles and bind a person, as though they were in prison.
When Christians talk of being set free they often mean from addiction to drugs or alcohol. But many other things can bind us from whose power we need to be liberated. Fears of many kinds. Anxiety. Compulsive shopping (a shopaholic pensioner died this month, literally buried alive under a pile of new suitcases in a house completely full of items she’d bought, many unopened). Lying. Perfectionism (another of my failings). Eating disorders. Unforgiveness. A sense of being unworthy. The list goes on.

Jesus is the Liberator. He comes to set you free. Let him into your life. Let his Holy Spirit work deeply in you until you break free from every yoke. Once I got going I wrote this in less than ten minutes! Give thanks to the Lord.

Robert Mill


Dear Family,

Back to normal in a New Year? I hope not! God wonderfully gives us fresh challenges to creatively develop as those called to reflect and express God’s presence and purpose to those around us. Life constantly changes, the culture and context in which we live and work taking on new forms and expressions, good and bad.

Our job is to demonstrate the liberating power of the Gospel to enable people to break out from the things that hold us back. To move forward, ever anticipating the fullness of the Kingdom of God finding expression upon the earth.

In this coming year, there are areas to clearly develop in our congregation. As we look to enlist and draw people into our journey in following Christ, we have to make sure that we are not simply inviting them into a ghetto of religiosity, new or old. What matters is the presence of the DNA of Christ’s life and ministry. Lives that are intent on purposefully participating in Him.
There are three practical areas which I believe need to be intentionally developed in our lives as witnesses to Christ. We will be focusing on these and implementing ministries to express them:

1. good news for the poor
2. healing and deliverance
3. peace making

This is a clear path for us to follow. Let us pray for wisdom in discerning how to walk it. It is an exciting journey for us to embark on together.

In His love,



I would like to share a simple testimony how I became a Christian … First, I would like to tell you one of my favourite verses:

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for you are with me” Psalm 23 : 4

This verse has given me great strength and courage to be able to gain my life back and I am free from worries since November 27 2005, the day I became a born-again Christian at ACBC (Arlington Chinese Baptist Church), Texas.

Before October of 2004 I thought I was the happiest and luckiest woman in the whole world. My life was perfect, fascinating … (now that I realize after reading Ecclesiastes chapter 1: 1-2 --- “ pleasures of meaningless, chasing after wind…” I didn’t know what poverty was nor would I care about ‘love yourself, love your neighbours’ ... well my good life ended on 13th October 2004.

Everything was taken away from me - I lost my highly paid job. I became very ill and suffered from serious depression and anxiety and I was suicidal - then I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis … then, worse came in January 2005. We had to relocate to Texas, the worst state in US that we never wanted to go to and it’s a bible belt - too holy to us - not for us – we had always hated Texas but we had no choice. We managed to live there for 3 and a half years. I am excited to count down the time that I am going home next week and I can’t wait to see my home ACBC (Arlington Chinese Baptist Church) where God’s brought me to -- It’s all mighty God’s plan to bring me there to get to know Him and Jesus, our saviour, who has taught me love and caring, forgiving, faith, humility, obedience and much more … Since my husband Charles had tried everything to treat my depression and anxiety but did not seem to help. One day, in March 2005 after our second month in Texas I asked him if it’s OK for me to go to church, it might help … he agreed but he told me seriously that if I became a Christian it would cause us a divorce. In April I found ACBC; since then I participated in every Sunday school and service and church activities, fellowship… I had doubt and curiosity about finding God and what Jesus did for us… it took me a long time to know very little, still I don’t know much but I am willing to learn … more.

In November, I was ready for baptism on Thanksgiving Day because I found that it’s significant and it’s my favourite festival. I was so worried and scared that I might have to choose either Jesus Christ or my husband, it became a serious issue . I thought about that since God is full of kindness and love He definitely wouldn’t separate a couple? how am I going to resolve this issue -- oh God for the first time, my first prayer for help “God help me and teach me and give me courage to tell Charles”. Surprisingly just a minute before I was ready to tell Charles, my fear was gone - I said, “honey, I have something to announce - I am going to get baptized this Thursday on Thanksgiving day and you are invited to come to the ceremony”. Guess what Charles said to me? “Oh ya you are, umhhh congratulations, but I don’t go to church, well I could do a splash over your head in the shower room at home for you … hahaha!” That was the response from my husband …

I am so grateful that God’s with me. Often I know that and I can feel it and its blessing and nothing is greater than that ever since I have begun my Christian life - the greatest gift is given to me “ joy and peace at heart”. I have learned a lot God’s word by participating in Bible study, fellowship, prayer meetings, knowing that one of our big assignments is to serve and spread God’s word and do what the words say. I am willing to do what the words say and give help to the needy with all my heart, my soul and strength. I have learned that “giving is better than receiving” in that I have received a lot already.

Christina Nicoll


A few new year numbers just to give you an idea of what this year’s church finances look like as we enter the final quarter of the year ...
Income wise we’re doing very well. This year we’d very much like to continue our support of both Bethany and the BMS by sending a meaningful gift of money. If you’d like to contribute to either the Bethany or the BMS then please could you place a marked donation into the offering.

General Income

Source Budget Year to date
Church Offerings etc. 50000 40789
Tax Refund 7400 9856
From Fair (in lieu of rent) 2400 1800
From Fair (bills) 1200 1164
Use of Halls 10000 3700
Total 71000 57309

Special Offerings Income

LOM - winter kitchen 4500 4285
BMS 500 0
Bethany 500 65
General Mission 0 40
Total 6000 4390

Expenditure wise, with the exception of the building repairs and refurbishment, everything is under budget. Using the small hall for the morning services reduces our gas bill by almost 50% which has been very good news. Repairs and refurbishments this year again have been expensive, with additional repairs to the manse roof and a collapsed plaster ceiling, and plenty of work done on the church building, including the unexpected (and essential because that Sunday morning was absolutely freezing!) boiler repairs. It’s likely that we’ll overspend on the general account this year, but only due to the building work. Next year there are no forecast large scale works, so we should be able to top up our funds again.

Item Budget Actual to date
Employment 30975 23417
Supply 300 50
Energy 9000 5044
Insurance 3250 2964
Refurbishment 1500 6277
Furniture & Equipment 500 688
Garden 300 0
Repairs 14000 14810
Tuning 150 65
Council Tax 2600 2323
Phone 1265 1044
Office 300 25
Subscriptions 3000 3039
Children &Y P 800 107
Outreach/Publicity 300 66
Literature & Copyright 138 121
Care Van 200 203
Fellowship 300 0
Sundries 1500 1445
Fees 350 400
Total 70728 62088
Wishing you all the best for the New Year,
Paul Watson


The very thing!!

All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I was eager to do. - Galatians 2:10
This verse presents us with quite a challenge. Paul has just been recognised by some of the other apostles as commissioned to take the gospel to the Gentiles. Instead of giving him detailed doctrinal instruction and a pre-packaged programme of how to evangelise, they seem to put trust in Christ’s ability to lead him forward, and offer him this simple request … continue to remember the poor.

Whether this meant the poor members of the church community in Jerusalem or any poor they were to come into contact with, the challenge is the same. The early believers were challenged to live out being good news to the poor according to Jesus’ teaching. (Luke 4:16-19). At Bristo we have felt consistently challenged to put this into effect and are looking to explore further ways of putting Jesus’ teaching into practise.

An Invitation

Recently some of our members have gone out on the street in the city centre to offer friendship, advice and support to homeless people. This has resulted in sharing coffees and food, being able to offer basic clothing and advice and shared busking to earn money to get a roof for the night… as well as friendship - itself perhaps one of the most vital aspects to getting through difficult times. We see multiple routes forward, whether that is the sharing of meals at the church base or provision of basic clothing needs in cold weather.

We are just setting off, however, and would like to invite any other of our members who are interested in pursuing this route or in developing others - participation in the ECM basics bank for example - to join us in wrestling with issues of social justice and love expressed in action. Other possibilities exist, such as volunteering at hostels and we are keen to discuss what we can best do together as community. Please do not be put off by what sound like scary ventures!! We can offer basic training on a number of related issues including mental health and drugs awareness so will be able to equip ourselves as we move forward.

Please contact me if you are interested:

David Purves (intern)


The latest issue (Jan/Feb 2009) of IDEA is available by the notice board. Of particular relevance to us, given the increasingly international makeup of our fellowship, is the article Who is your neighbour? (pp. 21-24) which focuses on the experience of some Alliance members as they seek to help immigrants and asylum seekers. The Alliance is also looking for personal stories, ideas on how we can help the newcomers and resources which may help them. Information is available from their Don’t be a Stranger website ( ).

Christine Lumsden
Angel Encounters by Cindy Mackenzie (Ambassador Publications ISBN 978-1-84030-201-1 £6.99, available from Wesley Owen)

This little book, less than ninety pages, tells the personal stories of people who have been helped by angels in dangerous situations, while others have experienced angelic visitations as they were dying. The angels come in many guises, for example, a lorry driver or a council workman, but those whose stories Cindy tells, including her own, are convinced that angels were sent by God in times of crisis or great need. The circumstances of the encounters confirm this interpretation. Every person whose experience she relates is a friend or relative. Cindy lets each tell of the encounter simply in his or her own words so we have the immediacy of personal contact which authenticates their testimony.

Cindy and her husband, Colin, are well known to Scottish Baptists through their charity SAM Chernobyl Relief (formerly Servants Aloft Ministries) and she has also visited Croatia many times. The experiences of those caught up in that country’s civil wars are the most frightening, as one might expect, but throughout the book God’s loving, protective care for His children is evident.

While Angel Encounters reminds us how God can break in to our every day lives in unexpected ways, the book can also be used to encourage those who are seeking the Lord or facing difficult situations.

Christine Lumsden


Here are the proposed copy dates for the Magazine for 2009. Please put them in your diary now although be aware that they may occasionally have to be changed at short notice.

March / April issue: 22 February
May / June issue: 26 April
July / August issue: 28 June
September / October issue: 30 August
November / December issue: 25 October
January / February 2010 27 December

I welcome copy from anyone and everyone in the fellowship. The Magazine is part of the ministry of the church and aims to reflect its life and the lives of those who are part of the fellowship. Therefore, if you run an activity, or a cell group, then it would be good to have a report on it from time to time in the Magazine. If you are creative, I welcome poems or meditations. In the current issue we have both of those plus a book review and a testimony. That is good and how I would like to see the Magazine being used. Therefore please consider this invitation carefully. As we journey with God together, developing our relationship with Him, it would be great if people would share their experiences via the Magazine. Thank you.

Robert Mill, Editor


Psalm 37: 5, 7 Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him and He shall bring it to pass. Rest in the Lord (Be still before the Lord) and wait patiently for Him.
King David wrote this as a teaching psalm to remind the people of Israel what their faith was all about, to trust in the Lord and to enjoy Him. If we do this, God will give us what we need most of all, Himself. Every, day amidst his travails in the jungles of Africa, David Livingstone, the great nineteenth-century missionary explorer committed himself to God through this psalm, seeking His strength to carry on. It is only as we are still and quiet before God that we can hear His voice as He reaches out to us.
But the psalmist’s knowledge of God was only partial. The full revelation was given in Jesus Christ. He invites us to come to Him for rest.

Matthew 11: 28-29 Come to Me all you who labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
Jesus does not extend this invitation to the strong, but to the weary and burdened. He calls them to Himself. The “yoke” of Jesus, in contrast to the burden of the law made by the scribes and Pharisees, is “easy” because in Him we have true rest for the soul. Jesus took the burden of our sin on the Cross and did what the law could not do, offer us forgiveness when we come to Him in repentance. Through His death and resurrection He invites us to a new life where we find rest for our souls.

Christine Lumsden

Happy Times - a poem

Eating, shopping, drinking, relaxing, socialising
Happy times?

Cooking, shopping, cleaning, entertaining, clearing up
Happy times?

Back to work, catching up, deadlines looming, clothes don’t fit
Happy times?

But Jesus came to set us free

Though situations may not change
Inside, we change
When Jesus lives in our hearts

In the midst of all that life brings
We have hope, faith and love
Bringing inner peace


Andrea Mill