Income wise we’re doing very well. This year we’d very much like to continue our support of both Bethany and the BMS by sending a meaningful gift of money. If you’d like to contribute to either the Bethany or the BMS then please could you place a marked donation into the offering.
General Income
Source Budget Year to date
Church Offerings etc. 50000 40789
Tax Refund 7400 9856
From Fair (in lieu of rent) 2400 1800
From Fair (bills) 1200 1164
Use of Halls 10000 3700
Total 71000 57309
Special Offerings Income
LOM - winter kitchen 4500 4285
BMS 500 0
Bethany 500 65
General Mission 0 40
Total 6000 4390
Expenditure wise, with the exception of the building repairs and refurbishment, everything is under budget. Using the small hall for the morning services reduces our gas bill by almost 50% which has been very good news. Repairs and refurbishments this year again have been expensive, with additional repairs to the manse roof and a collapsed plaster ceiling, and plenty of work done on the church building, including the unexpected (and essential because that Sunday morning was absolutely freezing!) boiler repairs. It’s likely that we’ll overspend on the general account this year, but only due to the building work. Next year there are no forecast large scale works, so we should be able to top up our funds again.
Item Budget Actual to date
Employment 30975 23417
Supply 300 50
Energy 9000 5044
Insurance 3250 2964
Refurbishment 1500 6277
Furniture & Equipment 500 688
Garden 300 0
Repairs 14000 14810
Tuning 150 65
Council Tax 2600 2323
Phone 1265 1044
Office 300 25
Subscriptions 3000 3039
Children &Y P 800 107
Outreach/Publicity 300 66
Literature & Copyright 138 121
Care Van 200 203
Fellowship 300 0
Sundries 1500 1445
Fees 350 400
Total 70728 62088
Supply 300 50
Energy 9000 5044
Insurance 3250 2964
Refurbishment 1500 6277
Furniture & Equipment 500 688
Garden 300 0
Repairs 14000 14810
Tuning 150 65
Council Tax 2600 2323
Phone 1265 1044
Office 300 25
Subscriptions 3000 3039
Children &Y P 800 107
Outreach/Publicity 300 66
Literature & Copyright 138 121
Care Van 200 203
Fellowship 300 0
Sundries 1500 1445
Fees 350 400
Total 70728 62088
Wishing you all the best for the New Year,
Paul Watson