Thursday, 15 January 2009


The very thing!!

All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I was eager to do. - Galatians 2:10
This verse presents us with quite a challenge. Paul has just been recognised by some of the other apostles as commissioned to take the gospel to the Gentiles. Instead of giving him detailed doctrinal instruction and a pre-packaged programme of how to evangelise, they seem to put trust in Christ’s ability to lead him forward, and offer him this simple request … continue to remember the poor.

Whether this meant the poor members of the church community in Jerusalem or any poor they were to come into contact with, the challenge is the same. The early believers were challenged to live out being good news to the poor according to Jesus’ teaching. (Luke 4:16-19). At Bristo we have felt consistently challenged to put this into effect and are looking to explore further ways of putting Jesus’ teaching into practise.

An Invitation

Recently some of our members have gone out on the street in the city centre to offer friendship, advice and support to homeless people. This has resulted in sharing coffees and food, being able to offer basic clothing and advice and shared busking to earn money to get a roof for the night… as well as friendship - itself perhaps one of the most vital aspects to getting through difficult times. We see multiple routes forward, whether that is the sharing of meals at the church base or provision of basic clothing needs in cold weather.

We are just setting off, however, and would like to invite any other of our members who are interested in pursuing this route or in developing others - participation in the ECM basics bank for example - to join us in wrestling with issues of social justice and love expressed in action. Other possibilities exist, such as volunteering at hostels and we are keen to discuss what we can best do together as community. Please do not be put off by what sound like scary ventures!! We can offer basic training on a number of related issues including mental health and drugs awareness so will be able to equip ourselves as we move forward.

Please contact me if you are interested:

David Purves (intern)