There has been little further activity since we had an outline sketch from 3D Architects showing one possible redesign of the church site incorporating a new church centre, private flats and socially affordable flats. The deacons agreed in December that the church development group should test the feasibility of this option as well as looking at the viability of selling the whole site and moving somewhere else.
3D offered to check out the views of the planning department and we have been waiting for them to have a meeting. It finally took place towards the end of February and the planners were not in favour of us either demolishing and rebuilding as per the outline plan or selling the site. Although this appears to be a huge obstacle they are open to further discussions but it is likely that negotiations will take a long time and require a lot of effort from us and 3D.
The next step is for the church development group to meet with the architects to consider the way forward and there will be further communication once that meeting has taken place.
In the meantime, please do keep praying as we need to discern the will of God together. It is not about getting what any one person wants and there are bound to be disagreements along the way. So please keep talking and feeding questions and comments to the deacons. The devil will seek to divide us over this so we must be on our guard and ensure that we have healthy discussions out in the open as we lovingly work out as the body of Christ how our buildings can serve the purposes of the Lord in the 21st century.
Andrea Mill