Friday, 13 March 2009

From the Editor

Stepping out. Into the unknown. Away from our comfort zone. It’s something that takes most of us a bit of courage. Courage that many of us don’t have—or, more correctly, don’t realise that we have.

In this issue you’ll read a long piece from one of our number, Pamela, who has left her comfort zone and stepped out on to the Mercy Ship, Africa Mercy, to literally bring healing to people and recovery of sight to the blind (Luke 4:19).

There’s also an announcement regarding the forthcoming election of deacons. Not something just to be dismissed, but to be prayed over. Maybe God is calling you, if you are a member, to step out in faith and consider being part of the leadership team?

We all need to step out sometimes. Stepping out into the outdoors means you breathe in God’s fresh air, enjoy new experiences. It’s the same in our Christian lives. Step out now!

Robert Mill