Saturday, 24 October 2009


The Christian Worker programme is run by the Baptist Union of Scotland.
The Christian Worker certificate is achieved by following a 2 year structured programme and an optional third year of study can be undertaken to obtain the Christian Worker Diploma.
I completed the Christian Worker Certificate in 2001 and then took some time out before completing the Diploma year in 2005. Since last year I’ve been involved in helping to plan the course.
I originally enrolled on the course because I felt the need for some more structured Bible study than I’d been managing on my own! I really enjoyed doing the course and meeting other students at the study days. I’d be happy to talk to anyone who’d like to know more about this. Basic details for the course starting in October are as follows:
Year 1: October 2009 – June 2010
The programme commenced this year with a study day on 10th October in Dedridge Baptist Church. In each of the two years a second study day takes place in the spring to enable students to meet and discuss with the tutors and each other what has been studied throughout the winter.
All home assignments are completed by early summer each year. Preparing for the assignments involves reading from the Bible and set books and manuals, supplied as part of the course.
The cost for the first year of the course is £110, which can be paid in instalments throughout the year. Course fees include all set texts.
Approximately five hours a week are needed to do the course, although this will vary depending on the individual. If you have not studied for a while a little extra time might be needed to get up to speed.
For further details or course application forms contact George Petrie (01506 856274, or talk to me (0131 669 8156,
Linda Watson