Saturday, 24 October 2009

Editorial - Autumn 2009 Bristo Magazine

This issue of the Magazine has been an unusually long time in coming. My apologies for that! Maybe it’s appropriate though, since the theme for this issue is Firstfruits.

Fruit, wine and vegetables all take time to mature or ripen before they are really good quality and ready to eat or drink. An unripe, immature fruit or vegetable may be hard compared with the luscious, juicy ripe state. It may even be harmful or poisonous whereas when ripe it is good to eat.

Christian lives also take time to ripen and mature. For fruit, vegetables and wine, just the right amounts of rain and sunshine are both needed. Apparently this year’s French wine vintages are going to be the best for over 60 years because there has been just the right amount of rain and sun. Similarly we need the right amount of ‘Son-shine’ from Jesus and the right amount of the Spirit’s refreshing ‘rain’.

May you know the firstfruits of the Spirit this autumn.

Robert Mill