I want to begin by saying what a privilege it is to serve as pastor of a congregation such as Bristo and to thank those who have served as deacons and whose term has now ended. The last fifteen and a half years have passed quickly and change has been constant and encouraging. How matters have moved on from when, on arriving, I found we had only one deacon! I am delighted that we now have an expanded group of deacons to serve the congregation during this very important stage in our congregational life. We thank Barbara for her period of diaconal duty now completed, and pray God’s wisdom and guidance for those now elected for a term of three years to serve with Paul and Sam – Andrea, Brian Wilson, Craig, David Polland, Daniel, Matt and Robert. I very much look forward to working with this team in pursuing service to our Lord Jesus Christ through our congregation’s life and ministry in coming days.
This last year has been an exciting and challenging one in the life of Bristo, seeing the further development of ministry and shaping of expressions for the way ahead. Two special features of this have been the growth in ministry among internationals and initiatives concerning the Bristo buildings.
A year ago we had two interns, David Purves and Tanya Alexeeva, whose leading of the Monday Night Badminton Club had transitioned it into an International meeting, now known as iFriends. This international flavour to Bristo was enhanced by the growing ministry of the team that runs the Tuesday afternoon Home from Home. Last summer, the arrival of David Nemeshegyi and Pedro Gonzalez to join Tanya as interns enhanced our international ministry. David has brought his Biblical skills to add to the preaching team and leadership within Cell Group, Pedro willingly assisting Brian Wilson in refurbishing the sanctuary and also joining with Tanya and Agnes Nemeshegyi in participating in the Praise Band. It has been good to have these folks with us, and we are blessed that some will still be with us after finishing their intern year.
With regard to our plans for building redevelopment, progress has been facilitated by good team work among the deacons and among members of the Property Group. Planning and practical tasks all concerned. We are especially appreciative of help rendered from those outside our congregation, including personnel from Scottish Churches Housing Action, 3D Reid Architects and Phil Myerscough. Presently, our main building is being marketed as part of this process, and we look to the Lord to lead us as to how we might better use our resources for ministry and mission in the coming months and years. Our involvement in the Care Van has been an important part of this, and now we will seek to develop other ways in which we can bring Christian presence and witness into needy areas of the city. The vision of a Community House is before us, and invites further exploration in the months ahead.
The ministry of the members is a key focus in the mission of any Baptist congregation, and I praise God for the way people at Bristo serve both outwith and within the church in many and varied ways. Within our own internal ministries, I want to thank Matt Baines and his team for his ongoing leadership and ministry of the work with teenagers within and associated with the congregation, in the It Club on Friday nights, and also Ryan Gladwin for assisting both in preaching and in much appreciated pastoral support to folk while I have been absent on teaching and holiday trips abroad. Linda Watson and her Sunday school team have been faithful in serving the children and in arranging catalyst activities in the two Bar-B-Q’s we have had, with others planned in coming months. Brian, Stuart and others have done sterling work within the fabric of the building, and Leszek has worked hard and well on the gardens outside. I have also to give thanks to all who participate in ministries, such as expressed through the praise band and preaching team, and indeed in many other less conspicuous yet equally important ministries, expressed in various tasks and duties faithfully executed and performed.
But what of the future? I believe this is the most exciting time I have witnessed during my ministry as pastor of Bristo. We have many people within our congregation keen to serve the Kingdom of God, a large and able diaconate, and before us in the next months more baptisms and applications for membership than ever before. There are areas we need to develop in. We need to look at how we might further embrace our growing ministry among internationals, to look at fresh ways of developing children and family ministry, and to prayerfully seek what other areas the Lord would enable us to develop outreach and missional activity in. As I look forward to my sabbatical leave in the autumn, I am delighted to have the pastoral ministry covered by Bill Clark as interim moderator and chair of deacons’ meetings, with Tima Cheprasov serving as interim pastor in my absence. I have asked Bill to lead the diaconate through a time of reflection, in my absence, on what structures and styles of stipendiary ministry will best serve the continued moulding and development of the Bristo Congregation in the Lord’s service in the coming years.
This is a season for carefully plotting a path forward in the footsteps of Jesus. A season for planning to move forward with boldness and focus. Being aware that we have an enemy who seeks to debilitate and destroy, whilst giving thanks for a Lord who has overcome the enemy and who will protect and enable us as we move forward in God’s purposes. Let us focus on the character of Christ’s ministry and persevere along His path. And remember that the resurrected Christ will visit with the power and enabling of the Holy Spirit as we prayerfully seek to serve and follow in His name.
I thank all who have given support and help to me as pastor in this past year, and pray that God may continue to bless and enable this congregation in what lies ahead.
Jim Purves