Thursday, 1 July 2010

Sunday School

Sveta and Tanya continue to teach the younger age class with David, Eva and Lennox. This class continues to use the ‘Go Teach’ material which has proved very successful with this age group. Lucy and Linda lead the older class with Cyrus, Michael and Tafadzwa, using Scripture Union ‘Light’ material. Michael moved up to the older class just after the Easter Holiday. Both classes include a time of prayer, which the children participate in after discussing prayer requests.

We have continued to explore ways in which the children can take a more active part in morning services and they took part in Christmas and Easter dramas, along with adult actors.
We had barbecues at Yellowcraig and Vogrie Country Park last summer. These were well attended and similar events are planned for June and August this year.

The Sunday-School will break on 27th June (last session) and resume on 22nd August. The crèche will continue to run throughout the summer holiday, when required.

Please continue to pray for the Sunday School and those working with young people in the church.

Linda Watson