Saturday, 12 July 2008


Crèche currently has 3 pre-schoolers attending and we have just recruited three extra volunteers for the rota (Luci, Pamela and Natalia), who have now completed child protection procedures, meaning that people will be on duty about once every 6 weeks. A volunteer to take over coordination of the crèche rota in the autumn is needed. Thanks to Terri, Jeanette and Ute, who are continuing on the rota and to Lorraine Milne, Lorraine Polland, Sally and Barbara who have helped out over the last year.

Doreen has been working with our two junior school aged children two weeks out of three, with Sveta teaching them on the third week of the cycle. A replacement for Doreen is needed in August so please pray about this and for wisdom in finding suitable materials, as the boys already have a strong biblical foundation and many Sunday school materials are for children with little or no Bible knowledge. It would be great too for the boys to have friends nearer their own age in church. The Bible class continues to use Scripture Union ‘Light’ material. Curt Harrier now leads the Bible class alternate weeks with Linda Watson. Between 2 and 6 youngsters meet each week, and enjoy a time of open prayer, study, discussion and fellowship. We are particularly pleased that the young people are prepared to share their prayer requests and pray for each other.

The church’s thanks are due to all these adults who faithfully work with our youngsters, and to Alice Smith who has negotiated a mountain of paperwork to ensure we comply with child protection law.

Finally, it is now two years since I agreed to ‘fill the gap’ until a replacement Children’s Work Coordinator could be found and I am not now able to give this enough attention due to other responsibilities, so from August I will no longer be doing this work. We praise God that in answer to our prayers Linda Watson will be taking over this role.
Our current church children’s policy states that
“………The Church recognises that:
· children and young people are part of the Body of Christ and are to play a full part in the life, fellowship and worship of the Church.
· discipleship and training is for the whole church and children will learn alongside adults.
· God’s commission and mission to ‘go into all the world and make disciples’ is for the whole church of whatever age.
· at times children and adults require teaching in separate age groups and this will be provided with equal consideration.
· children and young people are open to spiritual, moral, physical and emotional dangers - so they require special love, attention and nurturing in their formative or dependent years.
· The Deacons’ Meeting and members take seriously our responsibility to care for and protect the welfare of the children and young people entrusted to the church’s care and to keep them safe from harm while they are with staff and volunteers in the Church.
· As part of our mission and ministry, the Church is committed to encouraging and supporting parents/guardians; listening to, relating effectively to and valuing children and young people and ensuring that our children’s/youth workers are properly selected, supported and trained.”

These are the responsibilities not just of a few church leaders or of the volunteers working directly with the children week by week, but of the whole church. Each one of us, as a member of the family of God, needs to consider what part we can play individually in ensuring that we as a church live up to this policy, whether that be in prayer, working directly or indirectly with the youngsters or in just showing an interest and encouraging the young people and their leaders.

Jennifer Purves, Children’s Work Coordinator