Looking at our contact list for Home from Home, I realised the other day that since we started a couple of years ago we have helped over 45 people from 15 different countries to feel welcome and a little more confident in speaking English. Some have been with us just a few weeks before finding a job or moving on, while others have continued to attend the group for months and even years in the case of one learner, who has persuaded her boss to arrange her shifts so she can have Tuesday afternoons off to come.
The clientele has changed recently from young mothers with pre-school children to young Europeans who have been sent to us by the Careers Office because they need to improve their English before getting a job. After a slow start to the year, we currently have eight learners. Everyone who spends time with the group expresses deep appreciation for the care shown to them. It seems to us that we do very little but to them it is often a lifeline at a time of stress and loneliness. Only the other week, two of our newest participants asked me why the church ran a group like this. I was able to share with them that the bible makes it clear that there is a special place in God’s heart for those who vulnerable and that includes people who are foreigners (Psalm 146) and as Christians we want to express God’s love in practical ways. It led on to an interesting discussion and opportunity to share a little more of the gospel and talk about church.
Many thanks to the volunteers over the last year - Maureen, Gill, Julia, Joshua, Doreen and Fiona. We will be needing new volunteers after the summer, when Josh & Doreen go home so if anyone is interested in helping, let us know. You don’t need any great expertise – just willingness to welcome and encourage people and to listen and talk a little – and you don't have to be able to come every week.
Jennifer Purves