Bristo has been involved in the Care Van since January 2003. For those who do not know, the van is owned and run jointly by the Edinburgh City Mission and Bethany Christian Trust. It operates on a strict route every night of the year serving soups, teas, coffees and buttered rolls to the homeless of the city. It is also an opportunity to give out donated clothing and blankets. Many churches are involved in operating it night after night and the team from Bristo has been given the responsibility of taking the van out every first Saturday of the month.
It’s a privilege to be part of this ministry, which is an excellent witness performed only by Christians, and every night. Some clients that come to the van do feel a genuine sense of appreciation for the time given up by the various churches. It is a part of the Edinburgh scene now, and many of the clients include in their plans for the night a visit to the van, or expect to be visited by the van at some point on its route.
Some clients are happy to talk and occasionally for someone new on the street we’re able to give them information about where to get help. Although overt evangelism is not encouraged, it is the faithfulness and consistency of the churches month by month and year by year, in showing care for the homeless through this ministry that speaks volumes for the Lord.
The team are grateful for the donations of clothing received so far. If you’d like to be involved in the Care van, or donate clothing, please speak to Craig or Alice Smith. It’s not onerous. On average team members man the van about once every two months.
Craig Smith