Keeping pace. As some of you probably know I have always been a fast walker. When I was younger my parents and I would go on walks together. Especially as they grew older, Dad and especially Mum found it hard to keep up. So, even though we may have started out walking together side by side, I would end up many yards in front of Dad and Mum would be many yards behind him. What started out as a family walk together would end up as individuals walking alone most of the time, though every so often we would stop and let the others catch up.
This illustrates how our walk with God, our journey with Him, should not be. We cannot be relational if we are always journeying at different speeds because we end up either falling behind or running on too far ahead. Paul wrote, “let us keep in step with the Spirit”. So we mustn’t go on ahead of Him, nor fall behind. Let us keep pace to have a better, more relational journey.
This illustrates how our walk with God, our journey with Him, should not be. We cannot be relational if we are always journeying at different speeds because we end up either falling behind or running on too far ahead. Paul wrote, “let us keep in step with the Spirit”. So we mustn’t go on ahead of Him, nor fall behind. Let us keep pace to have a better, more relational journey.
Robert Mill