Thursday, 21 May 2009

News from Baptist Union & Evangelical Alliance

The Evangelical Alliance has appointed a new General Director, Steve Clifford, who took up his post in April. He is a gifted leader and visionary with a passion for mission through the local church. He has also served the Alliance as a Council and Board member for a few years so is well known in the organisation. You can read an interview with Steve in the March/April issue of Idea available by the notice board.
Rev Bill Slack, General Director of the Baptist Union of Scotland, has accepted a unanimous call to the pastorate of the Culduthel Church in Inverness and will take up that appointment at the end of June. Bill has led the Union for fourteen years during a period of considerable change and has also represented Scottish Baptists in the European Baptist Federation and Baptist World Alliance. Our prayers and good wishes go with Bill and his wife, Vivienne, as they begin this new ministry.
This year’s Baptist Union Assembly will take place from Thursday 29 October to Saturday 31 October in Queen’s Park Baptist Church Glasgow. The theme is Punching Holes in the Darkness. Among the speakers is Rev Dr David Coffey, president of the Baptist World Alliance. Further information is available from the website
Christine Lumsden