Dear Friends,
let us keep in step with the Spirit (Galatians 5.25)
Isn’t it ironic that, despite all the technological advances, life gets busier and busier? We fill the time we save on some activities by adding extra ones to our schedules. And get more stressed in the process! There’s lessons to learn from this. For one thing, we live in an ‘information overload’ society: we can see that most people don’t want information constantly pushed at them. They have too much. But quality relationships are less, and people are more isolated and lonely than ever.
What are the implications of this for us as Christians, both in our own lives and as church together? Well, we all need to recognise that sharing the Gospel these days is not so much about sharing information as it is about sharing ourselves. Relationships matter. This is true for us in being church together as well as in relationships with family, colleagues, neighbours and friends. We need to find time for people. And then we’ll find that people will begin to have time for Jesus.
But because of the pressures of competing interests and demands, we also need to plan the use of our time and energy. To do this, we should try and develop a sense of perspective of what it is that really matters for us, and also what we should persevere with. In an ‘instant’ society, it’s too easy to give up when we don’t get quick results. And that doesn’t fit with Christian living that prioritises relationships. Relational building takes a lot of time and energy; but when that leads to positive change in the lives of others, then it is worth it. So prioritising and persevering are really important.
As we come into summer, take time to reappraise what you’re about. Look at relationships. Get into step with Jesus. And find time for developing friendships, old and new.
In His love,