Friday, 31 July 2009


As Christians together, it is our privilege to know and experience the call to minister in the power of the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus Christ. Now, this takes many forms. At a personal level, it is rooted in a real relationship with God expressed in faith, repentance, prayer and reading the Bible. In the way we seek to deal with people. And beyond that, in our life of worshipping and sharing in the body of Christ, the church. Here at Bristo that is outworked in giving aid to the poor and homeless (the Bethany van and shelters), the stranger in our midst (Home From Home), welcome to the foreigner (International Club). In many other ways. And in healingspacebristo.
The ministry of healingspacebristo has begun, and there has been a touching of people’s lives through it. Where we have opportunity to pray and minister to one another in many ways, this new ministry is designed for those normally outside the church. It provides an opportunity for people to come to a room in our building where they can experience an environment of peace and be focussed in on the presence and the love of God. The basic time for prayer and quietness comes on a Thursday, from 5 p.m. – 6 p.m. This is deliberately calculated to coincide with the end of a normal, working day.
A number of people have come along. But as with all evangelistic endeavours, it requires profiling and making people aware of the availability of this ministry. You can help by telling people you know. Especially those who do not already have an active, church connection.
Leaflets, to tell people about this, are available in the Crush Hall. More details can be had also on the dedicated website,
Please be in prayer for this ministry, that the Lord uses it for the blessings of many. If you feel that you would like to be more involved, please speak to either Jim or Ryan.

Jim Purves