Friday, 31 July 2009

It Club

It Club meets on Friday evenings between 7:45 and 9:45. It is a youth club for young people in their teens, with other young people in their twenties and thirties acting as coaches.
A few of our teenagers have moved on since last June, but we have also had the pleasure of getting to know at least five new members too. More and more the It Club is becoming a youth group which is about being together and sharing life together, rather than activities and lesson plans. We focus our efforts on coming alongside the young people and befriending them, sharing their concerns and interests. In our weekly times of discussion and devotion (‘sharing times’) we seek to explore the Christian life together as individuals who are all on a journey seeking to follow Jesus whether in high school, college, university, full time work or wherever!
In January we started developing guidelines for our ‘sharing times’ with the Bristo theme of ‘Journey’ in mind. Our aim was to incorporate the ideas of ‘developing’, ‘liberating’ and ‘anticipating’ into each session. The result has been ‘Meet Pete’, a series of Bible studies designed by our group of coaches, following the life journey of Simon Peter after he met Jesus. During the course of this series the group has reflected together on how these themes interact with our lives today.
Highlights of the It Club calendar have included:
· An Australian Christmas Party!
· Our Russian evening
· An Easter Special. This was a first for us, including a short service put on by the group, followed by Egg painting, Egg rolling and a fellowship meal (with an omelet of course!)
· trips to Laser Quest, Murrayfield Ice Rink and MegaBowl
We have noticed positive effects on It Club members from outwith the church family over recent months, including young people expressing:

· changes in perspective;
· appreciation at being provoked to think about ‘God stuff’;
· increased interest in the Bible
· enthusiasm for prayer and discussion
Encounter is a small group for 14 – 19 year olds meeting during the evening service on Sundays. It is distinguished from It Club, by being an environment primarily of Bible study, discussion, meditation and prayer. Recently we have been following the Bible passages set by the Sunday services.
Last year we reported a steady drop in attendance at Encounter. Numbers this year have continued to dwindle to an average of 2.5 per meeting! In response to this seeming crisis of attendance, we reviewed our approach to Encounter. In doing so, we realized that we still find value in providing even such a small group of young people with an environment where they can find guidance and support at this key point in their young lives.
After running Encounter with just David Purves and Matt acting as coaches during the autumn, we were glad to welcome Tanya who presence has greatly enhanced the group. In particular we appreciate her developing friendship with Lena.
A ‘coach’ is an adult who provides guidance and support for the young people in Encounter and It Club. Becoming a coach means making a commitment to friendship with the young people; to listen, to encourage, to advise and to inspire them towards growth in Christ.
I want to note that Adam in particular has shown growth as both a young adult and a helper in the It Club. He is reliably punctual and faithful in his commitments.

David Purves has been a real asset as an intern helping with the youth work this year due to his willingness and his commitment as well as his faithful friendship to Adam in particular. David will be leaving us this autumn to pursue his theology degree.
Katy Cracknell has also been a real asset to the group over the short time she has been with us. Her enthusiastic service and ability to relate well (especially to the teenage girls) has been greatly appreciated. Katy left at the end of June to pursue a teaching qualification back home in Australia.

Special mention also goes to Sveta Kostrikina Barclay, whose continued willingness to step in and help on occasions when we need cover or extra support is always appreciated.
We will miss both David and Katy this autumn. Please join us in thanking them for their service and in prayer for their continued growth and development in the paths God is calling them to in Christ.
Please also pray that as a congregation we will have the wisdom to discern those adults whom God will provide to meet the needs in It Club and Encounter in the coming year. We are always looking out for female coaches. There are 15 teenagers attending It Club as it continues to grow, and over half of these are young girls. Ask the Lord of the Harvest that he will send workers into his harvest field. The field is his, the fruit is his and the labour is too!
Matt Baines