Friday, 31 July 2009

Treasurer's Report

First of all I’d like to thank you all for voting me for a second term as Deacon and Treasurer. I very much appreciate the confidence shown in me in allowing me to continue to serve the Church in this dual role.

I recently presented last year’s accounts at the church AGM. Knowing we had substantial repair and maintenance work to be carried out on the church and manse we set ourselves quite an aggressive budget, and we met most of our targets for income. However there are problems in maintaining older buildings, and one piece of maintenance work can often reveal other problems which require immediate attention, resulting in us overspending our budget by just over £6000. All this overspend was made on capital building and repair works.
This year’s budget is set to be equally challenging, though with less money being set aside for repairs and maintenance, there should be more money available to use in other church work. Last year we postponed making a gift to the BMS. This year we hope to be able to give a more generous gift.
In summary:

Income actual 08/09 budget 09/10

Church Offerings etc. 52633 50000
Tax Refund 9638 8000
from Fair Trust (in lieu of rent) 2400 2400
from Fair Trust (bills) 1934 2000
use of Halls 5640 8000

Total 72245 70400

And for special offerings we proposed again to support the LOM winter soup kitchen, and a further love gift to LOM, along with gifts to BMS and Bethany.

Income actual 08/09 budget 09/10

LOM - winter kitchen 3500 3500
BMS 0 1000
Bethany 10 500
LOM - gift with mission trip 1673 1500
General Mission 40 0

Total 5223 6500

Paul Watson